1st post
by, Roberta Bayley
Natt is in Florida until January 8th. Some dogs have chosen to wear black arm bands until her return, in response to a request by Sidney.
Larry saw Will Smith's "I Am Legend" and said the Washington Square Park scene is "about a minute" long.
Lily does not like the new surface in the run, Bruce reports.
Henry stunned everyone with a religious themed outfit, with gold highlights, depicting a Madonna (no not that one).
Doug and Narelle have gone to Australia for New Year's. Doug apparently came to the run to say good-bye but of course it had moved and he couldn't find us!
Patricia McGee (president of the big dog run) had the following letter published in The Viilager:
"To the editor:
Michael Bloomberg made his mark. He destroyed Washington Square Park."
Go, Patty!
Ajax's wart has not dropped off, much to Claudia's dismay.
Two tiny super cute dogs came to the run today, Mojo & Moxie. When asked what the breed was, the owner said they were Cantells. Everyone was confused until we realized the joke: You Cant Tell what they are!
Meanwhile, other non dog run sad news: my Sicilian shoe repair guy Angelo Fontana (across from St. Marks Church) is losing his lease after 40 years. My Russian tailor and drycleaner Michael (next door) will probably suffer the same fate in July. I guess we'll be getting a few more banks...
So that's the update. Jessica - Please forward to Dr. Bob and tell him everyone misses him. If anyone has Rachel (Ellie's mom) e-mail, please forward. I can't find Bruce's e-mail. Forward to anyone you think might be interested.
The run was super busy today, lots of dogs!
A new incredibly cute dog arrived today: Buttercup, a Norwich Jack Russell. Only Sidney did not warm to her (one less treat for me).
Sunday Times features Kim Hastrieter's piece on what New York will be like in 2018 - it's hilarious! Page 7 of the City Section, part of the World of Tomorrow piece.
Also there is a great obituary on Hugh Massingbird, former obituary writer for The Telegraph of London. Page 26 of the Metro Section. Trust me, it's funny. For Larry, please read the Automobile section, where you can learn a LOT about the Audi, as both the Audi R8 and Audi S5 are reviewed in detail. More than enough to get you through the next weekend with your relatives.
As for the Post, the mother of a Hannah Montana fan whose 6 year old daughter won tickets to an upcoming concert in an essay contest, was shocked, SHOCKED to learn that the essays were supposed to be TRUE. The daughter submitted an essay stating in part that "My daddy died in Iraq and I'm going to give mommy the angel pendant that daddy put on mommy when she was having me". None of it was true. The tickets were not awarded. And one tiny girl's heart is broken.
The e-mail circulating regarding Derek Berg owner of Nikita is full of misinformation. Apparently he paid the vet bill of Ralphie immediately upon receiving it. The movement to have Nikita banned from the dog run continues, though Derek will resist.
See you at the alligator run!
Update: If you missed the Sunday Times, the alligator reference is to Kim's description of a future New York where due to global warming alligators have become rampant and are cultivated as family pets, hence the alligator runs.
Also: feeling guilty, Pat is taking Ajax to the vet for wart removal.
Roberta & Sidney
Monday, December 31, 2007
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