The recent dismal weather has significantly limited our visits to the run, but we finally got there today and found stalwarts Laura, Rags and Bree holding the fort with Billie, Henry and Blue. Blue had a "dingleberry incident" but a fast acting Bree solved it quickly and efficiently. Soon John and Berlin showed up and there was some ball throwing and a serious discussion of interior design between Rags and Laura, who just re-upholstered her Mid Century Modern chair in a shocking shade of chartreuse. We await the photo.
As we were leaving we ran into Ajax who is celebrating his first birthday today! Happy Birthday, Ajax!
There are two "official "websites which have information on the Washington Square Small Dog Run, in response to Heather's query on the blog. They are both Yahoo! groups:
The Robin Kovary site has a discussion on the question "Does my dog know when I'm making "whoppie"? which I think is a misspelling of whoopee, a euphemism often used on The Newlywed Game, when the husband and wife tried to concur on how many times they made whoopee each week.
Whoopee appears in Webster's Collegiate Dictionary directly under Whoop-de-do, and is defined as "the feverish participation in alcohol-and-sex orgies first widely conspicuous during the U.S. Prohibition era." Who knew? Wow, you take away alcohol and suddenly, what do you get? Whoopee.
When I get Electric Dave's address from Natt, I will contact Dave and find out how we can all find out about volunteering at the run, contributing financially, etc.
The 12th Annual National Black Fine Arts show continues through the weekend at the Puck Building. No white males were included. There is some outsider art included. Can't wait for Larry to weigh in on this! Admission is $15. Hours are noon to 8 p.m. One nice thing, there is a cafe with food, so you can sit down over a cup of coffee with your friends and discuss why Larry isn't included in the show.
New restaurants, anyone? Two places on my block, St, Marks Place between 2nd & 3rd, just closed, Famous Falafel at 32 St. marks and Cafe Fuego, a Cuban Place at #9. A Pinkberry is set to open because apparently two frozen yogurt places on one block aren't enough. I know most of you are West Villagers but here is an article on the changing scene on my block:
Funny thing, it was written 3 months ago and already there have been many changes. The former Good Dog hotdog place has changed into Spot's Cafe. Here is Sidney with the actual Good Dog mascot:
A new place at 86 East 7th Street, Abraco, got some great reviews in the NY Times and New York magazine, which describes it as a "coffee bar-cum-tapas bar cum pastry shop, the first of it's kind in New York City. The coffee drinks are uniformly excellent, as are light bites like a toothsome grilled cheese and a moist olive oil cake." What does toothsome mean? Delicious, attractive, luscious. So now you know.
As for movies, I have been a stay at home and enjoying lots of Cary Grant and Irene Dunne movies on AMC. I would imagine Jessica will be going to "Defintely Maybe" to save the rest of us the trouble. Being too young to remember Irene Dunne, she will undoubtedly enjoy it. If anyone with HBO would be so kind as to tape "Doris & Bernard" for me, I would be grateful.
Ciao, babies.
Roberta & Sidney