February 27
Tuesday we saw a lot of faces we haven't seen for awhile. Hunter returned from the country, and Barbie's surgery happened 2 weeks ago and went well, though it sounded like an ordeal. John and Berlin were there after being away from the run for awhile, George showed up with Larry in tow, plus regulars Henry, Billie, Ajax and Ethan were there. A new 4 month old Golden Retriever puppy, Elsie put in an appearance. Wednesday was about the same. I saw Kim on the way over, but she was late for a meeting - she says hi to everyone.
I've been thinking about why I can't get 100% behind Obama and I think I've hit on it: he's just too thin. I mean Kennedy was kind of thin, but not like B.O. And what about those initials? Okay, so it's BHO but that still doesn't have that ring like JFK, IMO. Plus I'm old fashioned (and old) enough to want a president that's older than me - is that terrible? Not as old as John McCain, of course, I don't need the president to be a grandfather figure, but old-ER. I liked that Bill Clinton was "young" but he was still older than me, as is Hillary (HRC, just like the Health & Racquet Club). Now I know that Kim has this theory that young people know something, but the older I get, the less I believe it. But I'll give O. the benefit of the doubt for now.
What I think would be really cool is if Ob is elected (okay, Kim, when), would be to have a total African style inauguration, making dashikis, ceremonial robes, and that red & white outfit they showed Obama in this week (which by the way I think really would have worked on the red carpet Sunday night) required attire! Lots of drumming and maybe even some big pots filled with boiling Republicans. Of course the day after, everyone would calm down and go back to civilian clothes and customs but I think that would be just the kick in the pants people would need for 24 hours, to scare them a little and get them wondering if it wasn't all a dream. I spoke briefly to Michelle Obama about this and she didn't really warm to the idea, but oddly enough Hillary's people thought it would be a great idea - for Hillary to do if she wins. So it just shows, you never know who's going to embrace change.
Gotta run,
Roberta & Sidney
March 4th: A change we weren't aware of
The sun was creeping out Saturday morning but still only Anita, Christina, Rags and Larry made an appearancer. Henry made a new leap forward in his "ball relationship" (with the help of Rags). When his ball is pushed through the fence, Henry has learned that he can go outside and get it himself! Major.
When I was a child I had two nicknames, both bestowed on me by my sister Linda. One was The Grape, a reference to the lack of convolutions on my brain (Linda was The Plum. Her boyfriend Tom was the Prune - he had lots of convolutions, he claimed, indicating his high intelligence). The other nickname was The Creature From The Black Lagoon. after the 1954 film of the same name. Sadly, the 6'5" star of that film, Ben Chapman, an ex-Marine who had won both a silver and Bronze Star and two Purple Hearts in Korea, died last week at the age of 79. Chapman played the Creature, though if you see the film credits he is usually not mentioned as he only played the Creature on land, while Ricou Browning played the Creature underwater. Now I ask you, which is harderr: acting underwater or acting on land? Please. The film is quite touching, if it comes on late night t.v. (is there such a thing?) I recommend it.
Larry has sent me a brilliant videos, please watch:
Parody: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gwqEneBKUs
Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjXyqcx-mYY
Speaking of Larry, it turns out that due to all this racial and ethnic controversy of late, Trish and Larry decided to go for DNA testing. Sure enough, it turns out that while Trish is indeed an ASP, the W is in question. Seems there was a dollop of Africa in there (don't tell Trish's parents, please Bob). Frankly, I'm happy to hear that as the dog run can use a little "spice" (brown sugar, anyone?) and Trish is just the gal to add it.
I do suspect however, that this is testing business was just part of Larry's desperate attempt to expand the sorts of Art Fairs he's eligible for, plus I guess he figures it'll be a "in" at the White House come November. As it turns out he is still 100% White Male. Oh well, what can you do?
By the way, after dropping this bombshell, neither Larry or Trishaca (her African name) showed up today. Is George having a problem dealing with the revelation of his his mixed race parents?
Sunday was sunny and bright and the run was filled with Dexter, Tucker, Briscoe, Tina, Ethan, Safronella, Henry, Billie, Ruby plus new tiny Frenchie pup Bebe, and many more.
That's all for now, folks!
Sidney & Roberta
Thursday, March 13, 2008
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