Sunday, March 30, 2008

Art, Money, Sex and Dogs - is there anything else?

This week I Saw Art. Laura and I (sans Billie and Sidney) went to the Museum of Arts and Design (on 53rd Street across from MOMA) and saw a fantastic show called "Pricked: Extreme Embroidery". It runs through April 27th. Don't miss it, it's absolutely fabulous!

Then we went to Pulse! and were underwhelmed, though we loved seeing lots of Morton Barlett's doll photos and one very interesting artist named Santiago Rubino

who does interesting detailed drawings of women and dogs (not together). Reminded us a little of Walter Keane mixed with Edward Gorey. Some people feel he has appropriated the style (and presentation in old frames) of Mark Ryden

but we liked his dog drawings so much we don't care. Laura hopes he will draw Billie!

Larry and I have been trying to think up new ways to make money without working. We thought of entering the contest to name the Glatt Kosher Falafel Restaurant on Third Avenue ($3000 prize) but realized it took too much work. Besides the last contest that restaurant ran ended up giving the prize to the person who named it "Chickpea", not exactly a name worthy of our level of genius and creativity, especially for a measley 3K. Seeing all those $1000 reward posters for lost dogs around town, we tossed around an idea about a Dog Kidnapping Service venture, but ultimately decided some people at the run might find it offensive. Look, we were going to treat the dogs we kidnapped really well while we had them, it would basically be like a spa vacation for the dog. And think how extremely happy and relieved the owners would be when we returned Fluffy to their empty arms? That's a feeling you can't really put a price on. Come to think of it, maybe it's not off the table entirely.

After seeing the Morton Bartlett show a friend gave me a good idea. What about creating a FAKE "outsider artist"? When Bartlett died, he had no heirs and his dolls and negatives ended up in a flea market where they were discovered and purchased by an art dealer. Or were they? Whose to know where they came from? Barlett's photos are now selling for $14,000 and up - A good enough reason to fabricate the whole damn story, don't you think? I mean if a young white middle class women can get $300,000 for writing a memoir of her life as a Crip, why can't this idea work? When I work out the details I'll let you know. Meanwhile don't tell anybody.

Ken told us something Really Creepy and we think it may well be true, though we're waiting for confirmation from Trishika. In order to get your photo published it the Weddings section of the Times, the bride and groom's eyes have to be perfectly aligned. Taking a look at today's Times it looks pretty true to me! Sometimes the eyes were even aligned on a slant. Weird. We've gotta get the story on this, Trish, please let us know.

And speaking of the Times, I must say that the article in the Magazine "College Kids Who Opt Out of Sex" made me feel Totally Disconnected From Reality. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with not having sex before you're married (well I actually do think that's wrong but I'll just suspend my judgment for a moment) but why would you have to join an ORGANIZATION such as True Love Revolution (Harvard) and the Anscombe Society (Princeton) and make pledges and have support meetings? One "stalwart soldier" of the abstinence wars, Leo Keihler is pictured in his bedroom. Just look at him. Don't try to tell me he's not one step away from being a child molester or serial killer. Just read the article if you can bear it, and tell me there's something really disturbing about it. Or maybe it's just me.

Here we have a nice example of a (very) obiedient dog:
See you in the run!
Sidney & Roberta

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